Trinity Health Medical Group, Infectious Disease - Grand Rapids Campus
Phone & Address
310 Lafayette SE
Ste 410
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
At Trinity Health Medical Group, Infectious Disease - Grand Rapids Campus, we provide compassionate care for patients and families affected by difficult diseases. Our specialists work with your referring physician to utilize innovative training and diagnostic tools to determine the best approach for treatment and education.
Our services include:
- Medical care
- Pharmaceutical care
- Preventive care
- Psychosocial case management
- Referrals to support services
- Transportation assistance
The expert programs and clinics that we offer are outlined below. For more information, please call us at 616-685-8200. For after hours care, please call 616-685-8200 and a provider on call will return your phone call. If you are having an urgent health issue, please visit the emergency department.
Linguistic services are available for non-English speaking patients.
Trinity Health Medical Group, Infectious Disease complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation. Trinity Health Infectious Disease does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation.
HIV/AIDS McAuley Program
We provide responsive and respectful care for people who are infected by HIV.
Our services include:
- Dietician on site one half day a week
- HIV medical and non-medical case management
- Medical care
- Nutritional evaluation
- Pharmacist on site for questions of medication and adherence
Our program begins with medical case managers, who are the first point of contact for health questions, addressing social needs and referral to community resources. They can assist with the application process for these services.
Infectious disease specialists and a full-time nurse practitioner provide medical treatment. Medical case managers and registered nurses work with clients to monitor health issues and coordinate care. A full-time clinical pharmacist specializing in HIV provides services including individualized patient medication and adherence counseling, management of side effects, provision of HIV and drug information and coordination of research.
To enroll in the McAuley Program, please contact the Infectious Disease office at 616-685-8200.
Preventive HIV/AIDS Care
Kent County Health Department offers confidential and anonymous HIV rapid tests in addition to counseling. Please visit Michigan.gov/hivstd for more information.
Kent County Health Department
700 Fuller Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Hepatitis C Clinic
We help diagnose and treat patients with hepatitis C by coordinating care between the patient and their primary care physician. Through comprehensive assessment, we aim to deliver personalized care that promotes liver health and improves quality of life.
You will undergo a review of your medical history, a physical exam and evaluation of your systems. Your clinician may also perform several tests (blood test, liver biopsy, FibroScan) to obtain a diagnosis and determine the extent of liver damage.
Treatment is done predominately through the use of combination medications taken between 12 to 24 weeks. Most medications are now oral and help the body get rid of the disease, while reducing the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
This clinic meets three days a month. For information on schedule and dates, please contact the Infectious Disease office at 616-685-8200.
The Advanced Hepatology Clinic collaborates with the University of Michigan Health System to offer expert consultation services to patients in West Michigan with advanced or complex liver disease.
We welcome new patient consultations for the following conditions:
- Acute and chronic idiopathic and drug-induced hepatitis
- Autoimmune liver disease including PSC, AIH and PBC
- Chronic hepatitis B
- Cirrhosis with ascites, encephalopathy or malnutrition
- Liver or biliary tumors
- Metabolic and genetic liver disease including the fatty liver
We do not offer antiviral therapy for HCV patients, but we are happy to provide consultative services to assist you with decision making and management plans.
A referral from your primary care physician is required to enroll in the Advanced Hepatology Clinic, which meets on the third Monday of each month from 9 a.m.4 p.m. For more information, please call us.